Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good friday!!!

On Friday, our last class of term one was English, actually one can not say it was a class it was more presentation. But I was exited because we were supposed to end this term. From the beginning of term one I was thinking how I will spend my days here! First one month was difficult for me , because no friends around , did not like food in food court.With time my classmate started to open up and the food also became edible.

When I write or think my thought link sometimes travel around, so I have to afford to come back to main subject.

On that day only one topic was there. Its about Singapore is both food and shopping paradise. Proposition did well, they presented lots of video and photographs to support the topic , on other hand opposite team had only some points to say, thou the points were good. Here I want to say something about this topic , actually every one has their individual thought. I think what is the meaning of paradise, do we know about paradise. General view for us is very beautiful, no pain, no bad thing , only good thing , no hard life etc. For those who do not get a meal in a day,or do not have cloths in cold weather or any weather , for them this term is about any kind of food which can fill their stomach and any piece of cloth that cover their shame. So for Singaporean it may be the paradise because they are getting enough money to spend in out side food and shopping for cloths. As a foreigner I think twice when I go for shopping and go for a good healthy food ,surely you can eat food in food center, which I do not think very healthier.

Now I think I am becoming emotional, lets talk about that day, after finish the debate our mentor would able to gave us some tips, because we think we do not need any tips (how funny!). He forced to say that class dismiss. I felt very bad,because our term one ends this way. I was aspecting in different way. But I still love my classmate because they are full of energy, innocence and after all they are also human. People makes mistake, that is why we are human, not God! Love will make this world better one day.

Sorry Mr.Guna!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Failuer or Winner

On Thursday practical I relay did learn something.I cooked stuff chicken served with french fry, saute vegetables and garnished with black pepper cream sauce. But I failed because my chicken was over cooked, my vegetables were not cooked and the sauce was not enough with black pepper. And I can not complete my cooking in time. So I waited for next session on the after noon. Now I changed the menu, because if I would cook stuff chicken, I knew I could not complete cooking in time . So I tried to cook roasted chicken. Next time I cooked in time but my presentation was wrong and my chicken was naked.That day I knew from chef that roasted chicken should not be served naked, that mean chicken pieces should be skin on. And the sauce should be always in front of chicken.Thou I failed both the times, I feel good to learn some thing new. At the end of day I was tired doing two practical in the same day, but felt better than other day. Is is always feel better when you learn some thing new from your failure.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I can not stop my self to write this real story or feeling right after it happened. Before I start the story, I must tell something related. May be because of that it inspired me to see the whole situation differently.

Today is Thursday, the day started with busy schedule. In the morning we had IS. After that we had 'Fundamentals of hospitality hosting'. We got our term one assignment, where we have to go out and survey and evaluate about hospitality. We had learned how one should not be only task oriented, we should be people oriented and the warmth, care, responsibility etc. etc. should be there. After learning this subject, I stared to observe people in shops, restaurants and other places.

Today after school I went to 'Regional library of Jurong east' to find out a post dated newspaper. And I found it, had to take a photo copy of a particular page. So I asked the librarian , she guided me where the photo copy mashing was.So I went there and asked the middle aged lady sitting behind the desk. She told me in broken English that I had to pay 10 c, I said 'Ok'. Because I did not have pay card so she asked me to wait for another lady who issues pay card. I asked her whether she could accept case or not. She said lot of things but only thing I understood that she could not. I repeated my question again. Then she stand up and asked a boy who had finished photocopy. But the boy did not even stop and listen. He just said that he was in hurry. Now the lady told me that for the whole page she will charge 40c. I said 'Ok'. She did photocopy for me and and I gave her the money.You are thinking, what is the unusual thing happens that I wished to write this page. The climax has to come yet.

All the time the lady did not show me any concern or warmth or people orient. She was just job oriented.

After I had giving money I thanked her and said, ' You are so kind,God bless you'. Then I moved one step only , suddenly hard a thin voice from behind, 'Thank you'. I looked back her , I saw that she was smiling and watching me with her corner of eyes. I saw that she was smiling from her heart. I felt some thing divine, though I do not believe in GOD. May be this pure feeling is God.

Then I thought how one sentence can change the situation. May be next time the lady will be more people orient. When you show warmth, in return you will get warmth and love.

Is not a beautiful feeling? May be lots of us gone through this kind of feeling . But in busy life, we forget. It is the time to refresh our feeling.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


It was raining on the evening of Monday.I went to West mall, I took the side path to mall. Suddenly I saw a man with crutch, he was getting down to mall by the steps. On that part of steps , there is no roof. He was struggling to walk because steps were sleepily and the rain was still raining, he was wet. I asked him whether he wanted any help, he replied "no". But still I was walking with him and suddenly he fell down. I dropped my things from my hand and screamed. Then I ran to him to help him for standing up. Already one man came and he also had trying to help him . But because of his over weight I could not able to help him to stand up . So other two young boy came and helped him . But I was with him till he walked to dry place. I felt sad and worried for him , but when I got to know that he has a good job and he has his won car to travel . That time I felt relief.

He has no leg but he is standing on his won feet.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


It was on Saturday, from 2 pm to 6 pm, we had POWC practical exam. I was nerves, most of us arrived half an hour earlier. We had 15 mints to collect our ingredients, we did not have permission to collect our ingredients after wards. After collecting our ingredient, i had my work plane with me ready. Everything was going very smoothly. First I marinated the chicken, then i started to prepare my consomme soup, after chopped the vegetables I had taken out egg white . By that time the kitchen was started to become hot , the temperature was high. Since it was hot when i broke the egg , the yolk also broke. I know that if egg yolk break I can not make consomme , so I asked chef whether egg yolk can break at hot temperature . He replied that it is possible. So I immediately put the other one inside the chiller. But I needed two eggs for comsomme, so I took another egg from the egg rack. After that I did every thing perfectly. I had put my ingredient on stove and I was looking at the ingredient. I felt some thing was going wrong. And suddenly I realised that I did not put the minced chicken , which was main ingredient. I was terribly nerves. I took out the ingredient from stove and strain it . Then put the chicken minced , but then again I needed another egg. So I had to take another egg from rack. I crossed my finger hoping not to beak the ingredients. If it breaks, I m not going to pass in consomme soup. But as u assume, my consomme soup broke. At the end of the exam, we had to present our dishes. But surprisingly colour of my soup turned out right. Chef commented that ' the colour of this soup is ok '. I was really happy at that moment and also felt guilty, because I did mistake when I was making consomme soup. and I had taken 2 extra eggs .
I know how much I deserve a complement. I realised my mistake , and not repeat them again.

Friday, February 12, 2010

'Night at museum'

It was a beautiful golden sunset, "as dark comes to earth so many wired thing happened".The exhibits came alive at National History Museum.

Lary, a gardwas waiting for his exhibits friends , who had been starting to come alive because of the majic tablet.Ted had been coming to him and started conversation .Every one had been trying to have their last night in National History Museum.but only Tow person knew that for some of them who were leaving that museum will not come alive again , because the magic tablet will be at National history museum.

End of the night , everyone became exhibit again.That same day Jade, app man, monkey, native Indians and lots of other exhibits transferred to 'Smithsonian' world famous museum in USA.Lary was watching them sadly , may be for the last time he was watching them .

Lary and his son Nick went to their home .They were just preparing to have food , suddenly the phone rang. Lary picked up the phone , and he hard the voice of Ted , who supposed not to be alive again.Lary got surprise, but even more suprised when he knew that in new museum Ted and other friends were in trouble . Ted was very exaited , when he was tallking with Lary . When he was talking it was like he was in between a war.

Lary told his son about trouble and asked him for help to find out in where the new arrived exibits were kept in Smithsonian, through internet satellite.

Lary went to Simthsonian , but it was tight security .So he had to find out a another way to go to the new arrival keep level. So he finally got a nearby place from where he might be get an secret entry .He tried to open a secret path by touching a sculpture. But as a rule of museum you can not touch any thing . Lary got problem with that , one of security gurd 'Brodon' had seen him .Lary had trying to convince him, that he did not touch.At a point Lary became irritated and showed Brodon his karate talent.Lary had twisted Brodon hand and had stolen his identity card .

In that way Lary had gone one step for rescue operation of his friends.The night was still long , it was only the starting . Lary had to go long and had to solve so many things , lets see what was next....