Sunday, February 21, 2010


It was on Saturday, from 2 pm to 6 pm, we had POWC practical exam. I was nerves, most of us arrived half an hour earlier. We had 15 mints to collect our ingredients, we did not have permission to collect our ingredients after wards. After collecting our ingredient, i had my work plane with me ready. Everything was going very smoothly. First I marinated the chicken, then i started to prepare my consomme soup, after chopped the vegetables I had taken out egg white . By that time the kitchen was started to become hot , the temperature was high. Since it was hot when i broke the egg , the yolk also broke. I know that if egg yolk break I can not make consomme , so I asked chef whether egg yolk can break at hot temperature . He replied that it is possible. So I immediately put the other one inside the chiller. But I needed two eggs for comsomme, so I took another egg from the egg rack. After that I did every thing perfectly. I had put my ingredient on stove and I was looking at the ingredient. I felt some thing was going wrong. And suddenly I realised that I did not put the minced chicken , which was main ingredient. I was terribly nerves. I took out the ingredient from stove and strain it . Then put the chicken minced , but then again I needed another egg. So I had to take another egg from rack. I crossed my finger hoping not to beak the ingredients. If it breaks, I m not going to pass in consomme soup. But as u assume, my consomme soup broke. At the end of the exam, we had to present our dishes. But surprisingly colour of my soup turned out right. Chef commented that ' the colour of this soup is ok '. I was really happy at that moment and also felt guilty, because I did mistake when I was making consomme soup. and I had taken 2 extra eggs .
I know how much I deserve a complement. I realised my mistake , and not repeat them again.

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