Sunday, February 28, 2010


It was raining on the evening of Monday.I went to West mall, I took the side path to mall. Suddenly I saw a man with crutch, he was getting down to mall by the steps. On that part of steps , there is no roof. He was struggling to walk because steps were sleepily and the rain was still raining, he was wet. I asked him whether he wanted any help, he replied "no". But still I was walking with him and suddenly he fell down. I dropped my things from my hand and screamed. Then I ran to him to help him for standing up. Already one man came and he also had trying to help him . But because of his over weight I could not able to help him to stand up . So other two young boy came and helped him . But I was with him till he walked to dry place. I felt sad and worried for him , but when I got to know that he has a good job and he has his won car to travel . That time I felt relief.

He has no leg but he is standing on his won feet.

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