Friday, February 12, 2010

'Night at museum'

It was a beautiful golden sunset, "as dark comes to earth so many wired thing happened".The exhibits came alive at National History Museum.

Lary, a gardwas waiting for his exhibits friends , who had been starting to come alive because of the majic tablet.Ted had been coming to him and started conversation .Every one had been trying to have their last night in National History Museum.but only Tow person knew that for some of them who were leaving that museum will not come alive again , because the magic tablet will be at National history museum.

End of the night , everyone became exhibit again.That same day Jade, app man, monkey, native Indians and lots of other exhibits transferred to 'Smithsonian' world famous museum in USA.Lary was watching them sadly , may be for the last time he was watching them .

Lary and his son Nick went to their home .They were just preparing to have food , suddenly the phone rang. Lary picked up the phone , and he hard the voice of Ted , who supposed not to be alive again.Lary got surprise, but even more suprised when he knew that in new museum Ted and other friends were in trouble . Ted was very exaited , when he was tallking with Lary . When he was talking it was like he was in between a war.

Lary told his son about trouble and asked him for help to find out in where the new arrived exibits were kept in Smithsonian, through internet satellite.

Lary went to Simthsonian , but it was tight security .So he had to find out a another way to go to the new arrival keep level. So he finally got a nearby place from where he might be get an secret entry .He tried to open a secret path by touching a sculpture. But as a rule of museum you can not touch any thing . Lary got problem with that , one of security gurd 'Brodon' had seen him .Lary had trying to convince him, that he did not touch.At a point Lary became irritated and showed Brodon his karate talent.Lary had twisted Brodon hand and had stolen his identity card .

In that way Lary had gone one step for rescue operation of his friends.The night was still long , it was only the starting . Lary had to go long and had to solve so many things , lets see what was next....

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