Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good friday!!!

On Friday, our last class of term one was English, actually one can not say it was a class it was more presentation. But I was exited because we were supposed to end this term. From the beginning of term one I was thinking how I will spend my days here! First one month was difficult for me , because no friends around , did not like food in food court.With time my classmate started to open up and the food also became edible.

When I write or think my thought link sometimes travel around, so I have to afford to come back to main subject.

On that day only one topic was there. Its about Singapore is both food and shopping paradise. Proposition did well, they presented lots of video and photographs to support the topic , on other hand opposite team had only some points to say, thou the points were good. Here I want to say something about this topic , actually every one has their individual thought. I think what is the meaning of paradise, do we know about paradise. General view for us is very beautiful, no pain, no bad thing , only good thing , no hard life etc. For those who do not get a meal in a day,or do not have cloths in cold weather or any weather , for them this term is about any kind of food which can fill their stomach and any piece of cloth that cover their shame. So for Singaporean it may be the paradise because they are getting enough money to spend in out side food and shopping for cloths. As a foreigner I think twice when I go for shopping and go for a good healthy food ,surely you can eat food in food center, which I do not think very healthier.

Now I think I am becoming emotional, lets talk about that day, after finish the debate our mentor would able to gave us some tips, because we think we do not need any tips (how funny!). He forced to say that class dismiss. I felt very bad,because our term one ends this way. I was aspecting in different way. But I still love my classmate because they are full of energy, innocence and after all they are also human. People makes mistake, that is why we are human, not God! Love will make this world better one day.

Sorry Mr.Guna!

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