Saturday, March 13, 2010

Failuer or Winner

On Thursday practical I relay did learn something.I cooked stuff chicken served with french fry, saute vegetables and garnished with black pepper cream sauce. But I failed because my chicken was over cooked, my vegetables were not cooked and the sauce was not enough with black pepper. And I can not complete my cooking in time. So I waited for next session on the after noon. Now I changed the menu, because if I would cook stuff chicken, I knew I could not complete cooking in time . So I tried to cook roasted chicken. Next time I cooked in time but my presentation was wrong and my chicken was naked.That day I knew from chef that roasted chicken should not be served naked, that mean chicken pieces should be skin on. And the sauce should be always in front of chicken.Thou I failed both the times, I feel good to learn some thing new. At the end of day I was tired doing two practical in the same day, but felt better than other day. Is is always feel better when you learn some thing new from your failure.

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